Celebrating a special day!!
Alexander Schledewits -together with his team #TellerfürTeller- donated six months long food for the kids in Uganda! From 2 December 2016 till 28 May 2017 we served in total 2095 meals! And that's not all Alex send us also money for the next months!
A bit more then 6 months ago I received a message on Facebook from Alexander. He heard from Fabian Tausch about 22STARS and what I am doing. (Fabian interviewed me for his Podcast for JungUnternehmer - listen here.) Alexander was in particular interested in contributing in food for the children in Uganda. We chatted back and forth and then in December he send us the first amount of money for the children for the weekly Sunday food. Alexander started the group "TellerFürTeller" and thanks to the contribution of many people in his network he is able to send us regularly money for food for the children in Uganda.
Then last March Alexander came himself to Uganda to see the whole project from a bit closer. It was a very interesting week, also for me, as Alexander would have so many questions, like why are their stones in the rice, how much tomatoes do you buy, where do you get the meat from etc. As the group of children continued growing we implemented the 5 week food plan. Which means that once every 5 weeks we buy a lot of things in bulk, like eggs, posho, rice, charcoal, salt, cooking oil. Meat, vegetables and spice we buy once a week locally to support the local community as well. We took a lot of movies and pictures which you can see on our Instagram and also on YouTube we start uploading video's of the projects.
Below you can see what we did the last 6 months! Not only did we buy food for the kids in Acholi Quarter slum every Sunday, but a couple of times we also bough food for the families in the Danida slum in Jinja. I am so happy that Alexander is contributing in food for the kids, as our group of children keeps going I was afraid that at one point we would not be able anymore to do the weekly dinners, but thanks to Alex and his team behind him the impossible is possible!
Don't hesitate to also come to Uganda and visit us and the children!
Thank you!
Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear
and the blind can see. - Mark Twain