Thanks to donation to our Health Care Project we are able to help children with treatment when they fall sick. In addition to this a big part of our health care project is our Eye Project. We don't help only the children who are sponsored by 22STARS, but we extented this program to the whole community.
We just got the eyes of 20 more people at our 22STARS project in Jinja tested. In June this year Walzer Optik was in Uganda for the second time as well to check the eyes of our 22STARS community and they distributed glasses to them.
Walzer Optik also started their own foundation one year ago called "Wirhelfensehen" to fundraise more money do help us out with our Eye Project. They managed to collect 5.000 euro this year for our children so that we are able to continue helping them improve their sight by offering them more eye check ups, and providing them with glasses and eye operations when necessary.
We are so grateful for the help of Walzer Family and to everyone who is contributing!