As many of you probably know, our project sites do often do not have electricity, and for this reason after sunset many kids sit in the dark. For this reason the older ones struggle doing their homeworks when it is dark.
When our sponsors Ani and Anja (the long-term sponsors of our kids Babirye and Joycie) heard about our challenges, they immediately took action!
They started a fundraiser and asked their friends and family to donate for Little Sun Solar lights! ☀
In total they managed to get 150 lights for us! We will hand out one light to every child from our 22stars JINJA project (125 kids are there) and in addition 25 lights will go to our children in Kampala!
Our kids Little Rio and Dina already tried the lights and they loved them, and thanks to this gift they were finally able to do their homeworks!
Thank you so much Ani and Anja to take immediate action when you found out about our needs and a special thanks also go to all your friends who supported this campaign! ♥️♥️♥️

Do you get inspired by these ladies and would like to help us?
Send us a message and we will send you our fundraiser toolkit!
As you see every little thing can help us so much!!! ❤️