Aren't their cakes with their names on it the cutest?
The children love to celebrate their birthday on Sunday when all the kids are around, so they can share their birthday cakes with everybody! And they love cake! Not one single crumble goes wasted.
The kids love gifts and personal cards on their birthday! Feel free to send us in a word document a letter with a photo,and whe can print it out and give it to your sponsored child.
Would you like to send your child a (birthday) gift?
If you wish to give a special birthday to your child, you can send any amount you wish with the name of your child to our Donorbox GIFTS campaign. If you don't sponsor a child, you can still make a donation for a gift and we will give it the child who needs it most.
We will pick up something for the child, such as a birthday cake/ clothes/ matresses / water filter / mosquito net/ medical care/ toys/ house rent/ soap/ food/ etc. depending on the needs of the child and the amount you send.
We will email you afterwards pictures with a thank you note of what we bought for the child.

Some people asked us whether they could send something over with the POST to Uganda, this is not possible.
First of all, the sending cost are quite expensive: with every 5 euro we can already provide 10 extra meals to a child! Secondly, packages don’t always arrive here in Uganda, or they have been opened and half of it has been taken out, or the government will tax us over the “imported” goods.
Beside that, we have plenty of local small business owners in our community, who make clothes, shoes and bags. They make very nice high quality goods. Buying a gift from them also is a way to support and boost these small businesses in Uganda. To give you an idea of the cost per item, we would like to give you the prices of some items:
Pencils/books for 1 child (€5 )
Birthday cake 1 child (€10)
mattress for 1 child (€20)
clean water filter for 1 family ( €25 )
clothes, shoes, bag for 1 child (€50)
steel triple bunk bed for 1 family (€ 85)
100 kilos of posho and beans for 10 families (€ 150)
Small Business Boost for one family (€ 250)