
Dear friends,
as you know since October 2016 we are providing the children weekly a hot meal thanks to the group 'Teller Fur Teller' an initiative launched by Alexander Schledewits!
Untill February 2019 we even gave a weekly meal with meat/ fish and veggies/fruits!
However, as the monthly donations decreased over time and the number of children increased, we are now just able to provide a weekly meal consisting of rice/posho/beans, and only a meal with meat/ fish / veggies / fruit during special celebrations and whenever we receive extra donations for the meals.
Our family is increasing every day: we have now 200 kids in Kampala and 125 in Jinja, and including our cooking staff that makes about 340 meals a week!
We are very grateful for all sponsors from Teller Fur Teller and their continues support over the past 2.5 years: you guys are making a big difference for these children!!
Recently we have opened up for new people to also support our weekly meals and help us increase our budget again for the meals.
A very basic meal is as low as 0.50 cent and a proper meal with a drink is 1 euro! Please sign up for a recurring donation and give the children a meal!
With just 5 euros, that for you perhaps don't sound so much, we are able to feed 10 kids, so even a small contribution makes a BIG IMPACT! ❤️

Thanks to your donations we are cooking every week a meal for the children in Danida, one of the poorest areas of Jinja!