Our 22STARS Foundation leader in Uganda, SUSAN LAKER, will visit us in Europe to help us kickoff our #EducationIsTheKey campaign and join us for the Nomad Cruise conference (fully sponsored by them!), a gathering of 250+ incredibly inspiring people who work remotely and have been supporting our Foundation for the last two years!!
I want to raise 3000 euro THIS WEEK to pay for the 5 week trip to Europe. I am asking for your help to spread the word and repost our campaign link to your Facebook profile! The more people know, the closer we come to reaching our goal! And the cool thing is, there is also something in for you as well! Check out our trip details below and find out what we give you for your donation: thank you pictures, video calls, 22STARS bracelets and more!
If you'd like to connect with Susan while she's in Europe, please email info@foundation22stars.org and let us know! We are in particular happy with people who like to help us organize meet ups and perhaps could host us for a night in their city.
Susan and me will travel from Uganda back to the Netherlands together at the end of March. Before the cruise starts we will launch first our #EducationIsTheKey campaign (exact date and time to be announced). Susan and I will host the launch party together in the Netherlands, where she will meet our 22STARS supporters and talk more about our education programs in Uganda.
Our program goes beyond creating long-term sponsorships for the kids; we also educate the parents of the children in small businesses and entrepreneurism skills, organize termly parent conferences, and have extracurricular activities for the kids. To expand these projects we need your help and that's why we start the #EducationIsTheKey campaign to get more monthly donors on board and volunteers to help us grow.
We will kickoff our #EducationIsTheKey campaign !
The first week of April Stella and Susan will travel to the South of Spain where the Nomad Cruise conference will start on the 14th of April. Stella will give a talk about how to make a greater social impact in the world while working remotely. The emphasize is on how important education is, of which Susan Laker is the best example. Once Susan started going back to school and learned how to read and write, she became the project manager of 22STARS in Uganda, send her own children to school, and stressed how important education is for both, children and adults. Without Susans help we would never have been able to support so many families in Uganda. She is our ears and eyes on the ground and knows exactly what to do and how to do it. Susan will share her story and meet the sponsors of the children. She will participate at the conference talks and workshops which will broaden her horizon with regards to using social media, online marketing, culture difference and many more things.
Stella and Susan will talk about how to make a social impact!
Stella and Susan will also visit some smaller organizations and co-working spaces, where they will talk about how to run a foundation and business while being on the road, how to tackle culture differences, and how to make the impossible possible. The goal of the talks is to raise awareness about the work they do to empower families in Susan’s home country of Uganda and find new sponsors for the #EducationIsTheKey campaign.
Susan will also participate in a photoshoot shot by our professional photographer friends, which will help us with the visual identity of our brand! The rest of our time we will spent visiting with friends, 22STARS supporters and donors and doing interviews and blog posts for the #EducationIsTheKey campaign! Susan will be quite busy and work a lot. However, we will also plan in some down time and sight-seeing!
We want to create awareness and raise more long-term supporters for our Education programs!
Beginning of May Susan will go back to Uganda with not just a suitcase full with clothes, but most importantly full with experiences, knowledge, memories and new friends, which she can share with her community back home. And most importantly we hope for a successful kickoff of our campaign and have gained many new supporters! I will stay a bit longer in Europe before heading back myself to Uganda this summer.
The Foundation 22STARS is based in the Netherlands, but carries out all their projects in Uganda. We use education and entrepreneurship to empower children and their families to rise above poverty. We have so far created long-term sponsorships for 227 children in Uganda, and also run several community development initiatives including a nutrition program, basic needs program, small business training, micro loans program with 60 families and an holistic educational program with extra-curricular activities. On top of that we empower 40 artisans (who are the mothers of the kids) to rise above poverty with the 22STARS jewellery business by selling their products on the international and local market: every sold product also provides a kid in need with either food, dental care or clothes.
Being HIV Positive, Diagnosed with Cancer & Tuberculosis Has not stopped this Superwoman from Looking After 150 Kids in the Slums of Kampala Click here to read the story of Stella and Susan http://thisisuganda.org/being-hiv-positive-diagnosed-with-cancer-tuberculosis-has-not-stopped-this-superwoman-from-looking-after-140-kids-in-slums/
Follow www.facebook.com/stella22stars on Facebook to see in the week of 15 -22 March daily updates and live videos about the trip!